July 9th Tahquamenon Falls Ride
Okay this is going to be a bit confusing, but you have three options as to where you start and how long you want to ride. The Falls ride is our most popular ride and will be a large group of 20+ machines. Please let me know if you are going, and which ride option you wish to partake in. For each ride, you need to arrive early enough to unload and be ready to leave at the designated start time. We WILL NOT wait to be fair to others who arrive on time. Bring your own lunch, as there will be no time for the restaurant in Hulbert. There is a short walk over an unimproved trail from the parking area to the falls. You will have one hour to view the falls.
Non CC SORVA members can attend but MUST either join at the beginning or the ride or sign a liability waiver….no exceptions.
Hulbert Township Park is at the corner of W 4th Street and South Birch Street. It IS NOT the American Legion Park located on Maple Street. There is one toilet available at the park and we will take a one hour break there for lunch. As you head to Hulbert, you go straight (instead of turning left at the Sno-Shoe Inn) until you see 4th street, then turn left. There is no address, just look for the ball diamond and pavilion. Cellular service is spotty at best throughout the ride..
Longest ride approx 110 miles and 8+ hours. You need to have enough fuel on:board to go that far. No fuel stops available. 9:00 AM Bay Mills Casino start, travel west/south across 28 via designated trails/Rexford road, Arbutus TruckTrail to Hulbert where we will pick up group 2 in Strongs and then ride to Hulbert Township park to eat lunch.
Medium Ride approx 60 miles 5+ Hours. Long ride group will pick up the medium ride group at the Sno-Chasers parking in Strongs at 10:30 ish then proceed to Hulbert for a bring your own lunch at Hulbert Township Park. If someone volunteers to lead this portion of the ride to Hulbert, that would be great and avoid having to link up with the long ride group.
Short, ride approximately 40 miles and 3+ hours starting at 1:00 at the Hulbert township park. This group simply rides up to the falls with the whole group and then back to the township park in Hulbert. You would need to arrive early enough to eat your lunch and be ready for the 1:00 departure
All groups will leave as one for the falls proceeding up Hulbert Rd at 1:00. There will be some dust on this road and we will be moving at a fairly high speed.
After visiting the falls, the long and medium ride Groups will travel via the East West rd Avery grade and tbd trails, Near McNearney Lake, the medium group will split off going south to Strongs.
Questions? email or call me at 586.337.2005.
Charlie Steffens,
Secretary, CC SORVA