We have two trail maintenance work bees scheduled.
The first is Wednesday June 15th. Meet at 9:00 AM on the Raco-Brimley grade road where the ORV trail crosses. We will be working East (Towards Brimley) from there if you arrive late. Come in your ORV, or drive out and catch a ride with someone it a pickup to the worksite. Trail brushing at corners and a bit of widening in a couple spots. Will take a couple hours depending upon how many can make it.
The second work bee is Saturday, June 18th at 9:00 AM. Meet at the Brimley High School parking lot near the north end/Bus Garage. Arrive in your ORV, or trailer it to Brimley. We will be heading west to Strongs on both sides of M28. Figure on going at least until lunch. Lunch (Sub sandwiches) will be provided, so please let me know if you are coming so I can get an appropriate amount.
CC SORVA has all the needed equipment, but bring gloves and perhaps a lopper if you have one. Please let me know if you can make it to either or both. PM is fine, post it here or send me an email.
Charlie Steffens,
Secretary CC SORVA