Tahquamenon Falls Ride

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CC-SORVA will be riding to Tahquamenon Falls from the Snow Chasers Barn (just South of M28 on Strongs Rd.) in Strongs on Saturday September 4, 2021 at 10:00am.
We will have multiple tour guides on this ride. We will begin with Gery Kosel leading us to Hulbert where we will meet Grant Dewitt who will lead us to the Falls. We will then be led back to Strongs by Roy Hart.
We will have a short riders meeting at 10:00 am, followed by a trail ride to our first stop in Hulbert. We have received permission and a key to access the Falls via private property. We will not be able to depart Hulbert until noon because our tour guide with the key will not be available until after 12:00. Therefore, we will plan on eating lunch when we get to Hulbert. Be sure to pack a lunch. We will then go to the falls and plan on spending an hour to an hour and half there. Then Roy will lead us back to Strongs.
We will be riding Side by Sides and Quads. We ask that your machine be able to cruise at 25 miles per hour and be in good working order. We plan to travel about 95-100 miles so bring extra gas. If all goes as planned, we should be back in Strongs by 6:00pm. There will be some trail with tight spots where machine and rider will come in contact with brush and small branches, but it is all passable.
Let us know if you will be joining us. Look forward to seeing everyone and enjoying one the great attractions of the UP!